Research and legal analysis of crypto-assets and technology

Multidisciplinary Research Group

Presente y futuro de la regulación de los Criptoactivos en la UE [Legalcripto].

Proyecto Prometeo CIPROM/2022/26, grupos de investigación de excelencia, de la Generalitat Valenciana.

Prometheus taught the technique, enabling human beings to keep the flame of knowledge and transfer it over the centuries, making them free. Today, humanity is facing new technological advances that allow the interconnection of the physical and virtual worlds.

In the new Global Digital Market, the legal analysis of Blockchain technology (TDR) and its impact on financial and payment systems is key for Europe not to lose its identity and values, and for its citizens and companies to operate with guarantees.

The main objective of the Prometheus “LegalCripto” research project is to carry out a multidisciplinary analysis of the legal implications of blockchain technology.

The impact and transfer of the objectives pursued in this project are based on the experience, transfer and results accumulated by the consolidable group “Dinero digital y nuevas redes de pagos. aspectos jurídicos [Didinet]” (AICO/2020/194).


Internacional Congress «Presente y futuro de la regulación de los criptoactivos en la Unión Europea»

International meeting addressing cryptoassets from a multidisciplinary perspective.

Following the research and analysis of the two international conferences held within the framework of Baes Blockchain Lab in 2020 and 2021, the 3rd International Conference will address the legal, technological and financial challenges of the technology in the light of recent regulatory and technological developments in the field of means of payment and assets. Researchers, practitioners, experts, technicians and supervisors from various sectors will discuss these issues in panels and round tables.

Format: hybrid (in-person and online).

Registration: free.

Don't miss out!

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📢 Don’t miss the 1st Udelar International Seminar on Digital Law! 🌐 📅 Date: Tuesday, September 3rd

We are proud to announce the prominent participation of our team in the VI International Seminar on


III International Congress «Presente y futuro de la regulación de los criptoactivos en la Unión Europea», 13, 14 and 15 of December 2023

II International Congress “Dinero Digital y Gobernanza TIC en la UE: nuevos estándares jurídicos y tecnológicos”, 22 and 23 of July 2022

I International Congress “El nuevo marco regulatorio de criptoactivos MiCA, a debate”, 26 y 27 de noviembre de 2021

Consellería de Hacienda, Economía y Administración Pública

“La legitimación en los criptovalores”, Agustín Madrid Parra (Revista de Derecho del Mercado de Valores nº33, 2023)

“Open Finance”, Carmen Pastor Sempere (Cuadernos de Derecho y Comercio nº 80, 2023)

The Key of BAES (articles and news)

🚀 Exciting News Alert! 🚀 Meet the newest addition to the LegalCripto


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