LegalCripto’s main researcher, Carmen Pastor Sempere, participated on Friday, November 24, in the Innovation Tasting «Local digital economic system for the improvement of municipal management for the benefit of the citizen» organized by Fundeun and the City Council of L’Elianato promote open innovation for public procurement in order to launch a local digital economic system that allows improving the management of municipal payments and campaigns for the economic revitalization of local commerce for the benefit of citizens in the territorial scope of the City Council of l’Eliana. How can the L’Eliana City Council feasibly incorporate electronic currency into its municipal management? That is the question around which the Innovation Tasting revolved, in which professionals and experts from the technological and financial sectors participated.

Carmen Pastor contributed her legal knowledge from the perspective of the work and mission of the BAES group and the BlockchainFUE cooperative at the table “Analysis of the idea of the project with the participation of the different interest groups.” After congratulating L’Eliana for betting on innovation projects and framing her proposal in the Law of bases of local regime as a legal framework for smart cities projects, Professor Pastor proposed the incorporation of technology blockchain to the basic services provided by the City Council, promoting the security and control of the data provided, simplifying the management and conditions of citizen services.

As Carmen Pastor explained, the blockchain is a tremendously adaptable shared accounting journal, allowing multiple functions to be performed with the security provided by the inherently decentralized and immutable blockchain. LegalCripto’s proposal revolved around the creation of a tokenized digital twin of the euro for the purposes of a program to boost local commerce, allowing the L’Eliana City Council to optimize usability and transparency without constituting a currency issuer. management of such service, based on the principle of technological neutrality. This system could also be interrelated with the City Council’s internal software, facilitating, for example, the collection of taxes.

In short, the project presented by Professor Pastor, which constitutes the first proof of concept of the LegalCripto project, exemplifies the much-needed innovation projects that economically activate the business fabric, benefit consumers and allow the transfer of knowledge from universities to the society.