Pablo Sanz Bayón, Professor of Commercial Law at ICADE and collaborator at LegalCripto, participated on Friday November 24, 2023 in the forum on Digital Currencyorganized by the Pablo Department of Financial and Stock Market Law of the Externado de Colombia University.

This international event brought together academics from various universities to analyze the issue of the issuance of digital currency by central banks, a highly topical and constantly evolving issue due to rapid technological changes that drive innovation in the financial sector at a global level. global.

The Forum examined the characteristic features of the digital currency: exchangeable between peers, universal, anonymous and does not bear interest. Regarding central bank digital currencies, their free circulation, their forced acceptance, their impact on monetary and credit policy, their custody by third parties, the technological infrastructure underlying them and the consequences of their adoption for freedom were debated. of the citizen.

You can consult the program <a href=” cut/”>here</a>.