Workshop «Self-hosted wallets and crypto-asset custody» by Luis Guillermo Abellán Berenguer from DeFI Labs



On 31 October 2023, Luis Guillermo Abellán Berenguer, Economics graduate from the University of Alicante, founder of DeFi Lab and expert in decentralised finance, gave an internal workshop in which he examined the existing tools for creating accounts, safeguarding cryptoassets and transferring them without the need for any intermediary. Delving into the technology behind the Bitcoin and Ethereum network will allow LegalCripto members to learn what tools exist to create accounts, challenge assets and transfer them in a disintermediated and decentralised way.

This first workshop, exclusively for LegalCripto members and collaborators, was broadcast online for those who could not attend in person, and was dedicated to a theoretical and practical presentation of the different existing forms of self-study.

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