It is a joy and pride to announce that the Consellería de Hacienda, Economía y Administración Pública de la Generalitat Valenciana has chosen BlockchainFUE, for a pioneering project to introduce #blockchain technology in Valencian institutions, allowing them to benefit from its features as an immutable, transparent, traceable and decentralised ledger.

BlockchainFUE is the first cooperative to offer a public network of Blockchain technology, driven and designed by BAES, led by Carmen Pastor Sempere, at the UA – Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d’Alacant. The Dirección General de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (DGTIC) has entrusted the provision of blockchain services to the public company Infraestructures i Serveis de Telecomunicacions i Certificació (ISTEC), a cooperative partner of BlockchainFUE.

This initiative aims to “ensure the transparency and traceability of digital public services, formalities and procedures”, “strengthen the confidence of citizens and companies in our institutions”, offer these services to other companies and institutions in the region and disseminate the use of blockchain throughout the territory, as stated by the councillor, Ruth Merino.

The director general of DGTIC, José Manuel García Duarte, clarified that the notifications of the administration will be accompanied, from February, by a record in the BlockchainFUE blockchain network, allowing users to access through their citizen folder to a record of the notification and its phases. ISTEC has also developed a layer of services based on blockchain that puts the functionalities of tokenisation, immutable digital registry and traceability at the service of administrative processes in a broad sense and for the Valencian Administration as a whole.

This project positions the Generalitat Valenciana as a pioneer in the use of blockchain to improve administrative transparency, promote citizen participation and strengthen the position of the Valencian Region as a pioneer in the use of blockchain technology.

Read the press release from the Consellería de Hacienda, Economía y Administración Pública here: