Yesterday, Thursday, November 23, the first academic day in Spain on the new eIDAS2 regulations took place at the University of Murcia: «The New Regulation on Digital Identity in the European Union: from the Regulatory Framework to its Practical Application”, organized by the Integra Foundation Chair on Identity and Digital Rights of the University of Murcia – directed by Professor Julián Valero Torrijos, researcher at LegalCripto–, in collaboration with iDerTec (Research Group on Innovation, Law and Technology).

Members of LegalCripto had the pleasure of attending. Carmen Pastor Sempere, principal researcher, and Clara Cañero Lois, postdoctoral researcher, attended in person. For their part, Apol·lònia Martínez, researcher, and Lucía Alvarado and María Jesús Blanco, collaborators, connected virtually. In addition, Ignacio Alamillo and Mª Cristina Timón, collaborators, participated as speakers.

It was an event of furious relevance and high academic rigor, as evidenced by a program packed with academics and expert professionals who They offered an incisive and enriching vision of the new regulations regarding digital identity, an area in which the LegalCripto group has a lot to investigate and investigate.