Professor Alejandro Vigil Iduate from the University of Havana and collaborator at LegalCripto, gave a workshop yesterday on “The legal framework of cryptoassets in Cuba.” The members of LegalCripto, both in person and online, had the opportunity to learn about the development of the cryptoeconomy in Cuba.

The Cuban legislator demonstrates creativity and innovation in addressing the regulation of cryptoassets in various regulations published in recent years, in line with the growing adoption of the cryptoeconomy in Cuba. As Professor Vigil explained to us throughout the workshop, cryptoassets represent opportunities and challenges for the Cuban economy, in a constantly evolving technological and legal scenario.

During his visit to the University of Alicante, Professor Alejandro Vigil also had the opportunity to meet Germán Manuel López Iborra, director of the Proyecto Habana. This framework of institutional action assigned to the Vice-Rectorate of International Relations and Development Cooperation of the University of Alicante, is dedicated to university cooperation with Cuban higher education institutions, as well as solidarity and development activities with the Office of the Historian. from Havana. Likewise, Carmen Pastor and Alejandro Vigil have also met with Jaume Ferrer Lloret, Dean of the Faculty of Law, and Jorge Urbaneja Cillán, Vice Dean of International Relations of the Faculty of Law. These meetings have been very fruitful, with several future academic and transfer activities already planned for the next academic year 2024-2025.